Jackall Dart
Hey everybody this week I'm going to be talking about the Jackall Dart Hog. Last weekend I did some filming up in Door County. And I was throwing the Dart Hog on a drop shot and a shaky head. The colors I was throwing were white and charteuse. WhenI was throwing it on a drop shot I would bite the head off a little bit and split the tail some. Then I was throwing a black and orange tip Dart Hog on a Picasso Shacky Head. While throwing the Dart Hogs I caught 85 smallmouth in two days in DOor County. I hope you guys go out and try the Jackall Dart Hog it is one awesome bait and tomorrow I will be doing a foloow up on this blog on how to throw a shcky head and drop shot.You can find me on Instagram @mojobasskid, on Facebook at Jeremy Pinkowski, and my YOutube Channel mojobasskid. I hope you learned something today,fish on and I'll see you on the water.
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