First Tournament of The Year Recap

Hey everybody this week I am going to talk about how I did in my first tournament of the year and what I caught my fish on. The bait that I started the day with was a jerk bait and that was what we got our first two fish on. The first fish of the day was actually are kicker fish that went for 3.55 and then about 30 minutes later I caught are second fish on the same bait. And that one weighed about 2 3/4 which was our smaller one. Those two fish we caught on my favorite SUSPENDING jerk bait a Spro McStick in a matte bone pattern. Using a a very slow jerk pause jerk jerk pause repeat with some different cadence in there. And I fished that on a Kistler 6'6 KLX medium crank, rip, and twitch, using 12 lb test sunline sniper. We caught our next two fish at the end of the day on a small tungsten finesse jig made by Keitech. We caught two nice one about 3 1/4 on on the color green pumpkin blue flake in 3/8 weight. We were fishing it on a Kistler helium lta 6'9 medium heavy Apc  casting rod  ,using 15 lb flurocarbon sunline sniper. We ended taking second place with four fish for 12.22 lbs. Fish on and I'll see you on the water.


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